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Engineering The Future Of Orthopedic Care
"Today’s orthopedic surgeon practices on the shoulders of visionaries like Sir John Charnley"

Is Value-Based Care an Empty Promise?
"Positive change, which is certainly not a guarantee in our broken healthcare system, is on the horizon"

Why 2022 Will Be the Change Year
When it comes to our work lives, the first month of a new year is usually charged with intellectual energy

Who’s Paying the Pied Piper
Attract more patients while slashing overhead cost. Claim victory…you deserve it

Gift Yourself A Happy Practice
For our customers, we believe that end of year anxiety doesn’t stand a chance against Clinic Q

The Three Essentials Clinics Need in a Patient Payment Solution
A Dispatch from the Front Lines of US Healthcare

Bringing the World of “Tap, Tap, Tap” to Healthcare
There’s the Modern Consumer Experience, and Then There’s Healthcare

A Hillary Step Moment for Patient Health Records
The Hillary Step was the final obstacle on a climb to the summit of Everest. We’re at a similar moment in U.S. healthcare.

The Health Here Story
The Health Here Story
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